
Platform Airport City goes global

​Airport City Manchester hosted a pop-up food event to celebrate Chinese New Year within its unique Platform event space at Manchester Airport.

Working in partnership with Beijing Construction Engineering Group International (BCEGI) and Manchester China Forum, the Chinese New Year event attracted 550 people and Chinese media coverage from China Central Television (CCTV).

As part of the celebrations, Platform Airport City welcomed traders from across the region, including Yang Sing, Sweet Mandarin, Panda Mami and Dim Sum Su. At the same time, guests enjoyed a range of entertainment in the form of traditional Chinese umbrella dancing.

Rhys Whalley, Executive Director at Manchester China Forum said: “Over the last 10 years globally, China has been the most successful country in delivering that investment vision, predominately through high speed rail networks and investment in broader infrastructure. From a Manchester perspective, we hope there are opportunities for us to collaborate and work together in delivering a similar vision here.”

Adam Jupp, Head of External Affairs at Manchester Airport said: “A few years ago, we joined a joint venture with Beijing Construction Engineering Group (BCEG) to form a concept called Airport City at Manchester Airport. Since that launch, we have subsequently received a Presidential visit and direct services to China and that has helped to raise awareness around the world, particularly in China, about this opportunity.”

To read the news story on CCTV:


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